Tieme Ndo’s mission is a commitment to a regular and timely delivery of improved basic farm inputs to rural farmers and working closely with each farmer to become an agripreneur along the agriculture value chain. Farming is a challenging venture in the Northern part of Ghana. Farmers’ inability to timely and regularly have access to improved basic farm inputs and effectively apply modern farming techniques is a great setback to many farmers in the Northern part of Ghana. This outcome is gradually leading to food insecurity and has left rural farmers in the Region in destitute. Driven by the compassion for the hardworking rural farmers, Tieme Ndo was founded to curtail these setbacks and give power to rural farmers in terms of increasing their crop yields and allowing them to have a decision in how their produce are purchased.
Tieme Ndo is a high impact social network that aims to shape the aspirations of rural farmers through making improved basic farm inputs such as fertilizers, seeds, etc readily available; increasing the purchasing power of their produce; and adopting them to modern farming techniques. It was founded in 2016 by Moses Yagnemenga and Sihle Magagula who are both Mastercard Scholars at Ashesi University College in Ghana. Tieme Ndo seeks to prove that solving the eminent growing global food insecurity in the world is not farfetched. By providing rural farmers with both the technical and commercial support, society’s food productivity can increase exponentially and resolve the food crisis that faces most countries.
In just one year after its formation, Tieme Ndo has moved on to win the D-Prize $20,000-dollar award in May 2017. This award has further enabled it to run a pilot program, where it has provided farmers with supplies including fertilizers, improved seeds, and has also provided farmers with improved farming techniques. Furthermore, since its inception, the initiative has deployed to four communities in upper west Region and has benefitted over 500 farmers, exceeding the initial target of 130 farmers. The social initiative has also created a supply chain for supplies, provided improved farming methodologies to farmers through the work of extension officers and has successfully trained many farmers into entrepreneurship. Farmers in these communities have created networks and associations where experiences on effective farming are shared during monthly meetings. These meetings are being attended by both ordinary community members and their leaders: chiefs and assemblymen. The program will be extended to other parts of Northern Ghana and eventually beyond, considering the great work that has been experienced in the upper west Region so far.